
The Instructors code of conduct, necessitates that every Yudansha kai preserve, and reveal the true time-honoured spirit of Budo always, therefore to amplify to others their traditional martial art honour and etiquette.

To reveal humbleness in your actions, therefore to reframe from insincere actions.
To demonstrate sincere courtesy during personal encounters with others.
To display integrity and respect always.
To demonstrate ones loyalty to your Traditional Sensei’s and Ryu.
To avoid bringing dishonour to your Traditional Sensei’s and The Traditional Martial Art of; Takahashi-ha no Ryūkyū – Shuri-te and its profound lineage.
To protect from harm all deshi- (students); under your guidance during instruction and build self-respect within them.
To demonstrate respect for the time-honoured budo etiquette, philosophies and ethical standards, that has been entrusted into your care.
To seek out true knowledge, to polish your character and spirit, attaining a unified mind.
To demonstrate true courtesy to practitioners of other forms of budo.
To foster ones own development by correcting past oversights and make right.
To expand the boundaries of your skills in a respectful manner and be humble.
To respect your traditional budo ancestry
To study, educate with meaningful purpose, demonstrating “Kokoro” always.
To defend the pathways of truth and be truthful always.
Click here to download a copy of the Code of Conduct for Instructors